Marketing Automation

What is Marketing Automation? 

Marketing automation tends to be a software-driven platform that is designed to help organisations and marketers to grow and target their businesses. 

The right Marketing Automation can entice the right type of client for your business and products. It can focus and channel both e-commerce and traditional sales leads from the beginning of the potential clients first visit your sites or social media platforms all the way to a possible sale.  

How is this done? Well, it is all about data and analytics! 

So, if you knew who is visiting your site, how long they were spending on each page, are there specific pages or content they are looking at the most or are they viewing specific products or pricing pages… this would be very good ammunition to help tailor a targeted personalised response that might entice and complete a possible sale. Automating marketing platforms can do all this automatically, monitor a consumer’s engagement, and deliver individualised experiences to each customer, all without manual interaction from a marketer or staff member.

Aspects where you can get the most of a Marketing automation software are around: 

  • Email marketing 
  • Social media marketing 
  • Landing pages and forms 
  • Digital advertising 
  • Inbound marketing and Lead nurturing  

As well as handling all the personalised inbound marketing responses from this leveraged analytical data it also facilitates your organisation to see how your marketing collateral is performing and are there any trends around specific pages or products etc. This can all then be applied with marketing automation to plan, develop and deliver focused outbound as well as inbound marketing campaigns all based around you leveraging the analytic data that you know specific consumers are interested in.

Marketing Automation software is not just for the Marketing team it’s a fantastic tool and benefit to the sales and management teams. The right Automated Marketing Software can help: 

Generate Leads

By gathering the data around potential prospects and the specific products that they are interested in. It can build a very efficient prospect list for the sales team

Develop Leads

It is not just about generating the leads its about developing and cultivating them. A good Marketing Automation platform should help quantify and qualify leads as well as help funnel them through the sales channel. IT also helps affiliate and align Sales and Marketing teams more closely.

Create dynamic sales strategies  

In sales not everything is straight forward and not all products or services fits all. So, having the ability to build dynamic based surveys, sites, emails and using split testing to convey the best results for the consumer is essential.

Nurture converted Sales 

Marketing Automations AI can give you the ability to see returning visits of previous customers and it then can promote similar or aligned products previously sold is a fantastic sales tool.


Being able to measure efficacy, the current status of leads and success of specific marketing campaigns on the bottom line is crucial for sales and management teams. It also helps show the ROI for management.

To Sum Up 

  • It should facilitate Business to Business (B2B) companies to connect with each other and attract sales and leads in different ways.  
  • It should give the client a simple journey from start to finish but in the end helping the customers to find exactly what matters to them. 
  • Give Insight into each phase of the marketing journey from first engagement to the end sale, capturing the real marketing ROI. 

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